There are many different methods of petting a cat.
Some simple people believe that all you need to do is pat the cat on
the head and give it a few strokes. But they never stop to think what
the cat will enjoy most. Remember, the more that your cat enjoys the
petting, the more it will help you relax. Once you have a technique
down pat, it can be so effective that you can even use cat petting to
help you do stressful things like play online casino games like
online blackjack. So the first thing to know is that every cat is
different. Not only do the different varieties of cats have slightly
different fur, but each cat has a pattern to his fur. The more that
you can pet along with this pattern, the more the cat will enjoy.
Don’t just pet the cat on the back. A cat’s body is almost
completely covered by fur. Try the belly, chest, and arms if you
really want to hear that cat purr. Timing is also important. If you
pet too quickly, the cat will get up and leave. If you are too slow,
the cat will get bored.